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Edit timeline key dates
Updated over 6 months ago

Customize your timeline templates with your terms.

What are Key Dates?

Key Dates are the main timeline events that can be used as the basis to offset other events. On the Seller timelines, the default Key Dates are Listing Date, Offer Accepted, and Estimated Closing Day. On Buyer timelines, the default Key Dates are Offer Accepted and Estimated Closing Day.

Edit Key Dates in a Template

The Key Dates cannot be deleted, but you can edit them to reflect the language that you like to use with your clients.

When you create or edit a timeline template, you can click on any Key Date and edit the title and the description of that key date. After you have edited a Key Date title on a timeline template, when a folder is created and a timeline template is selected, the timeline's Key Dates will reflect your edits.


Edit Key Dates on a Timeline

You can edit a Key Date title on a specific timeline, and your edits will only appear on that timeline.

  1. Navigate to the timeline website.

  2. Click on the pencil icon next to the Key Date on the timeline, and the editing window will pop up on your screen.

  3. Click into the "title" field and make your edits.

  4. Click the "save" button to save your changes.

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