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Timeline Events
Updated over 6 months ago

The timeline is a great place to store all the big events in your transaction, as well as add relevant notes that pertain to them.

If you have the Chrome extension for Gmail installed, click into a Smart Folder via the Folio menu or your Smart Folders list, and then select the "Add" option from the timeline sidebar.


Alternatively, you can add new events directly from the timeline webpage.


Add to Timeline

Clicking on either option will bring up a new screen that will allow you to add a new event.



From this screen, you can give the event a name or title. Once you start typing, we'll surface typical examples, but you can continue to type your own.


Communicate the status of an event by using one of our pre-created statuses or creating your own.


Date and Time

Select the date and time.

You also have the option of making the event dependent on an anchor event on the timeline. Folio comes with default anchor events (offer accepted, estimated closing day, and listing date), but you can create your own.

When you populate the anchor event's date on the timeline, we will then calculate the dates for dependent events. For example, if the "Offer Accepted" date is July 17th, and the dependent event is scheduled for 2 days after "Offer Accepted", we will schedule the event for July 19th.

If you check the "Exclude weekends and national holidays" box in an event, we will skip weekends and national holidays when calculating the date for that particular event.


Set Email Reminders

You can add reminders to your events. These reminders will trigger an email to everyone that the timeline is shared with.


More options

If you expand the "more options" menu, you can input additional notes in the "Description" field and select the visibility settings.

Currently, the "Description" section is limited to text; no attachments or images can be added. However, you can always leave a URL for others to follow.


The visibility setting options are:

  • Everyone on the shared timeline

  • Only me and people with edit permissions

  • Only me

See your event on the timeline

Your newly created event will sync with your Google or Outlook Calendar, as well as appear on the timeline website.

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