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The timeline website
Updated over a month ago

When you create and set up a Smart Folder, a website is created that you can opt to share with others involved. The website contains a timeline, with all the important dates you've added to your smart folder, as well as any other important information you'd opted to put on there--like service providers, or useful resources your clients might like or need.

The timeline website is private by default, unless you opt to share it. Most agents share it with their clients, to help them keep track of things. Some also share it with their assistant, teammate, or TC in order to more easily collaborate. Sharing a Smart Folder never shares anything in your inbox.

When you share a timeline, the recipient does not need to have a Folio account to view it. If they do have a Folio account and don't have a paid subscription, they can view three active timelines at a time.

What sort of experience does your client get?


When you share the timeline website with them, a few things happen:

  • They get an email with a personalized note from you, letting them know a timeline has been created for them

  • They'll get access to the timeline website from whatever device they use, and it looks great

  • They'll get reminder emails to any events that you add reminders to

  • They'll get reminder text messages to all events if they opt to receive text alerts

  • They'll get update emails if you make any changes to the timeline

Clients really love the timeline website. On average, they end up visiting around 5 times a week, and agents receive a ton of great feedback from their clients about it.

What sort of experience does a collaborator or other party get?

They get much of the same benefit that your clients get, with a few small but important differences:

  • A fellow Folio user can opt to import the timeline to their Folio account, which will sync it to their own calendar

  • If you give them edit permissions, they'll be able to make changes to elements of the timeline website

  • More information can be found here.

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