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Working on a Smart Folder with others
Working on a Smart Folder with others
Updated over 5 months ago

Using Folio, you can collaborate on a transaction with other agents, a transaction coordinator, or any other real estate professionals.

You can share a timeline with either view-only or edit permissions. Both options allow someone to view the timeline, but someone with editing permissions can change the contents of the timeline.

If you share with "view" permission, the recipient gets access to the timeline website as a viewer.

More specifically:

  1. They'll receive an email invitation to the timeline

  2. They can access it from any device

  3. They'll receive email reminders to events that you've set reminders for

  4. They'll be notified when you make changes to the timeline

If you share with "edit" permission, the recipient gets access to the timeline website as an editor. This is a good option for a co-agent or TC, not for your clients.

They'll get all the same benefits and notifications as "viewers" do above, but they'll also be able to edit the timeline. They must set up a Folio account to edit the timeline.

Share a timeline

Step 1: Create a Smart Folder and set up the timeline

Before you can share a timeline, you will need to create a Smart Folder and add events to its timeline.

Step 2: Send invite email

  1. From the Folio website or Gmail sidebar, find the blue share button above the timeline

  2. Enter or select your contact(s)

  3. Click on the eye icon button and select the visibility permission: “View only” or “Can edit”

  4. Make any changes that you need to the invitation email

  5. Click on “Save Changes"

What happens next?

If you share a timeline with someone who does not have a Folio account, they can access the timeline from the invitation email.

If you share a timeline with someone who has a Folio account, they can accept the shared timeline from our website or their Folio Gmail sidebar. This article contains instructions on how to accept a timeline. After accepting the invitation:

  • They'll see the transaction in their account

  • The dates will sync to their calendar

  • Contacts who have roles in the transaction will sync

  • They can add or edit dates on the timeline (if they have editing permissions)

  • And we'll organize emails in their inbox for that transaction

Always sharing your timelines with the same people? Set them up as Collaborators once, and you won't have to manually share a timeline again.

Chrome Gmail extension

If you would like your timeline to appear in their Gmail sidebar, they will need to install the Folio Chrome extension.

We only recommend agents and other real estate professionals sign up for Folio and install the Folio extension. The extension does not make sense for all clients.

What access is not shared

There are a few options that are limited to the original timeline creator. Please consider these limits when deciding who should control the “ownership” of the timeline because it cannot be transferred.

  • Only the creator’s templates will be applied when the timeline is created

  • Change of representation (Buyer, Seller, Both)

  • Managing visibility options for events

    • A timeline editor with a Folio account cannot create events that are private and only visible to them.

  • Managing Service Providers and Resources

    • A timeline editor with a Folio account can add Service Providers and Resources from their account, but they won't be able to access the timeline creator's Service Providers and Resources.

  • Customizing the property image at the top of the timeline

  • Customizing the logo at the top of the timeline

Furthermore, the name of the timeline creator is listed in the review request email and in the top righthand corner of the timeline.

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